2012 Christmas December 17 2012
Blessings from the Rocky Mountain Corn family:
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the snowy reaches of Montana in the American Redoubt. Thank you for your support of the Rocky Mountain Corn Project and thank you for your patience with our delay.
A gathering tide of circumstances closing on our perimeter motivated us to suddenly pull the trigger on Plan B. In November, we left our homestead of some 28 years duration and moved our operation to another location. Call it a strategic relocation in process.
Regardless, our 2012 Painted Mountain Corn Seed is safely secured and is now ready to ship.
We are putting the final touches on the website ordering system. We worked through the past weekend trying to set up a reliable alternative to PayPal but regretfully, it now looks like we will have to revert to the old system in order to be up and running this week.
With best regards,
The Rocky Mountain Corn Family